About me
I am a Puerto Rican multimedia artist, and social activist with a BFA from the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, and a Master in Fine Arts from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University in Boston, MA. My multi-media creative research and works of art focus on various aspects of violence, through first-hand experiential and historical events pertaining to the Archipelago of Puerto Rico. Some of these aspects include the socio-political, psychological, and narrative dimensions of violence as a means to shed light on what is lived on a daily basis in Puerto Rico. As of 2019, my creative research has particularly focused on the relationship of tension between the United States and the archipelago (P.R.), given its current ILLEGAL colonial status; as a tireless effort to denounce the failure of the U.S. capitalist project in Puerto Rico, "the showcase of the Americas". I work with different media such as performance, video, sound, installation, sculpture, site-specific work, painting, drawing, illustration, printing, photography, among other forms of expression. Alongside the projects related to violence, I am working on a social media-based project that circles the exploration of sexuality and its diversity, with a sex-positive series of artworks found on Instagram under the name of Libidino.sos. As part of my daily reality, I resist and survive in the asphyxiating realities of austericide and aspire to formulate my own language of resistance through art. Most importantly I am Queer, I am Caribbean, I am a strong and committed Activist, and I am a Voice for DECOLONIZATION and intersectional liberation of the People of Puerto Rico.
¡Que viva la república y abajo los asesinos!